Demo 1
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Carl Nielsen


Komisk opera i tre akter


Comic Opera in Three Acts

CNUCarl Nielsen Udgaven (The Carl Nielsen Edition. Royal Danish Library: Copenhagen 1998–2009) I/1–3
CNSCarl Nielsens Samling (The Carl Nielsen Collection, Royal Danish Library, Copenhagen) 329
FSDan Fog & Torben Schousboe: Carl Nielsen kompositioner. En Bibliografi. København 1965. 39
Demo 1

Author: Vilhelm Andersen

This file shows an example of a description of a large-scale work. Sources are not described in detail, but the file illustrates how to model the structure of a complex work organized in acts, scenes, and parts of scenes (at the "Music" editing tab).

Please note: The content of this file has been modified for demonstration purposes and does not represent accurate real-world data

Composition: 1905.

In the beginning of the 1890s, Carl Nielsen got the idea to base an opera on one of Ludvig Holberg's comedies. It was not until New Year 1903–04 that he began working out the structure of the opera based on Holberg's Mascarade. The text by Vilhelm Andersen was finished in April 1904; Carl Nielsen did not, however, start composing the music until 1905. In October the work (with an unfinished Act Three) was handed in for evaluation, and in December 1905 it was accepted for performance at The Royal Theatre.

Instrumentation: 2 fl.flauto (flute) , fl.flauto (flute) /fl.picc.flauto piccolo (piccolo) , 2 ob.oboe , cor.ingl.corno inglese (cor anglais) , 2 cl.clarinetto (clarinet) , cl.b.clarinetto basso (bass clarinet) , 2 fg.fagotto (bassoon) , 4 cor.corno (horn) , 3 tr.tromba (trumpet) , 2 trb.t.trombone tenore (tenor trombone) , trb.b.trombone basso (bass trombone) , tb.tuba , timp.timpani , trgl.triangolo (triangel) , tamb.picc.tamburo piccolo (snare drum) , gr.c.gran cassa (bass drum) , ptti.piatti (cymbals) , cast.castagnette (castanets) , tam.tam tam (tom tom) , glsp.glockenspiel , camp.campane (bell) , vl.1violino 1 , vl.2violino 2 , va.viola , vc.violoncello , cb.contrabbasso (double bass) Choir
Roles: Jeronimus; Magdalone; Leander; Henrik; Arv; Leonard; Leonora; Pernille; En Vægter; En Vagtmester; En Mand, der sælger Masker; En Magister; En Dreng, der sælger Blomster; Maskarademesteren; En Student; 1. Student; 2. Student; 3. Student; 4. Student; 5. Student; 1. Pige; 2. Pige; 3. Pige; En Officer; Dansemesteren; Hans Kæreste; Vulcan; Kor af Studenter, Officerer, unge Piger, maskerede Personer af begge Køn
Jeronimus; Magdalone; Leander; Henrik; Arv; Leonard; Leonora; Pernille; A Watchman; A Doorman; A Mask-Seller; A Tutor; A Flower-Boy; Master of the Masquerades; A Student; First Student; Second Student; Third Student; Fourth Student; Fifth Student; First Girl; Second Girl; Third Girl; An Officer; The Dancing Master; His Fiancée; Vulcan; Choir of Students, Officers, Young Girls, Masked Persons of both Sexes

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MerMEId demo files

File publication:

Danish Centre for Music Editing (DCM)
Royal Danish Library
Søren Kierkegaards Plads 1
P.O. Box 2149
DK - 1016 Copenhagen K


Editors: Niels Bo Foltmann; Axel Teich Geertinger; Peter Hauge; Niels Krabbe; Bjarke Moe; Elly Bruunshuus Petersen
Programmer: Sigfrid Lundberg
Secretaries: Katarina Smitt Engberg; Niclas Nørby Hundahl

Use for demonstration purposes only

Last changed 2019-03-11 11:58 by MerMEId

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