Demo 4–9
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Carl Nielsen

Seks sange til tekster af Ludvig Holstein

Six Songs to Texts by Ludvig Holstein

Opus 10
CNW 126–131
CNUCarl Nielsen Udgaven (The Carl Nielsen Edition. Royal Danish Library: Copenhagen 1998–2009) III/4, 11–16
FSDan Fog & Torben Schousboe: Carl Nielsen kompositioner. En Bibliografi. København 1965. 18
Demo 4–9

Author: Ludvig Holstein

This file demonstrates the use of relations to other files (or works) to describe a song cycle, anthology, or collection. Such collections can be modelled in two ways, depending on whether they are regarded as one work or a collection of individual works. This example shows the cycle as a collection of indivual works, linked together by relations to its constituent parts. A collection or cycle regarded as one single work could be modelled in a single file using the "components" section on the "Music" tab to describe the individual parts, just like movements in a sonata. The "Comala" and "Maskarade" sample files illustrate this approach.
Sources common to all pieces in the collection are described in this file rather than with each of the songs. See the individual songs for details and descriptions of sources to each of the songs.

Please note: The content of this file has been modified for demonstration purposes and does not represent accurate real-world data.


Composition: Between 1895 and 1896.

The exact date of composition is unknown. The texts by Ludvig Holstein were published in 1895 (one of the poems had been published separately in 1894, however). It seems probable that Nielsen started composing the music shortly afterwards. He received money from the publisher for delivering the music in March 1896, and the songs were published in 1897.

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File title:

Seks sange til tekster af Ludvig Holstein


MerMEId demo files

File publication:

Danish Centre for Music Editing (DCM)
Royal Danish Library
Søren Kierkegaards Plads 1


Editors: Niels Bo Foltmann; Axel TeichGeertinger; Peter Hauge; Niels Krabbe; Elly Bruunhus Petersen; Bjarke Moe
Programmer: Sigfrid Lundberg
Secretaries: Katarina Smitt Engberg; Niclas Nørby Hundahl

Use for demonstration purposes only

Last changed 2019-03-11 11:58 by MerMEId

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