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Grieg, Edvard

Seks dikt, op. 4

( Sechs Lieder, op. 4)

( Six songs, op. 4)

Opus 4

Dedicatee: Nina Hagerup

Six songs to German poems by Chamisso (nos. 1 and 2), Heine (nos. 3, 5 and 6) and Uhland (no. 4). All stanzas of the poems are set to music. In different editions the songs are translated to Danish by B. Feddersen (GGA) and to English by F. Corder and W. H. Halverson (GGA). Op. 4 was only published as a separate issue by Grieg's Danish publishers. C. F. Peters published the songs as part of Lieder-Album II (Nos. 2–5) and V (No. 1 and 6).

A scholarly-critical edition of op. 4 was published by C. F. Peters as part of Edvard Grieg: Complete Works (GGA). It is printed in vol. 14 (1990), p. 12-28, and is available online through the National Library of Norway (link below).

GGA vol. 14 (EP 8514, pl. no. 31632)

Composition: 1863-1864.

1863 No. 2-5 was composed.
1864 No. 1 and 6 was composed. The first edition was published in Copenhagen, probably in May.
Instrumentation: A.alto , pf.pianoforte (piano)

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File title:

Seks dikt, op. 4


Grieg Verkkatalog

File publication:

Senter for Griegforskning
Strømgaten 6, 5015 Bergen

Editors: Arnulf Mattes; Arvid Vollsnes; Audun Jonassen; Stanko Drazic; Bjørnar Utne-Reitan
Project director: Kirstine Folmann
Engineer: Tarje Sælen Lavik

Last changed 2021-05-27 by jfossheim

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