Special characters
The built-in text editor offers a number of special characters (look for the 'Omega' button). It does not yet include musical symbols, however.
- Please note: the 'less than' and 'greater than' characters (< and >) have special meaning in XML and cannot be used in simple (that is, single-line) text fields. Please use angle quotation marks ‹ and › instead.
The following is a list of selected additional unicode characters that you may copy and paste into your data. Their Unicode character codes are shown for reference. Be aware, however, that the correct displaying of these characters may depend on the fonts available on the user's computer and/or the way your data are processed for display.
Music symbols
These three accidentals are supported by a number of common fonts and are fairly safe to use. MerMEId's HTML preview furthermore supports them by providing an embedded font (see below).
♭ 266d |
♮ 266e |
♯ 266f |
You can include additional musical symbols in your texts by entering or pasting the desired characters into the text editor. Then, select them and choose the desired music font in the 'Font Family' drop-down list.
The easiest way to insert the music characters may be to copy them from a font character map (such as the selection below). Be aware, however, that the characters' position in the font you are copying from must match its position in the font you intend to use with your MerMEId-edited text. To optimize compatibility with other music symbol fonts, we recommend using a SMuFL-compliant font.
If you are copying symbols from the table below, mark them as font family "Bravura", which is the music font MerMEId uses.
- Please note: Unfortunately, the built-in text editor seems to be unable to display the symbols correctly. Once saved, however, they should appear using the correct font in the HTML preview, provided that you are using the Bravura font.
To have your symbols displayed correctly in other contexts than the MerMEId preview, you will need to make sure that the Bravura font (or whatever font you have selected) is available in that context. For web applications, for instance, this may involve web font embedding with CSS.
- Older browsers may not support printing web fonts. If some of these special characters are displayed correctly on screen, but do not print, you may want to try updating your browser.
A selection of some common music symbols (font: Bravura Text)
The Bravura Text font contains musical symbols for use in a text. The font is available at www.smufl.org/fonts/.
A complete list of SMuFL characters is available at www.smufl.org/version/latest/. You may copy and paste your symbols from there too.
𝄋 1d10b |
𝄌 1d10c |
𝄞 1d11e |
𝄢 1d122 |
𝄪 1d12a |
𝄫 1d12b |
𝄴 1d134 |
𝄵 1d135 |
𝄻 1d13b |
𝄼 1d13c |
𝄽 1d13d |
𝄾 1d13e |
𝄿 1d13f |
𝅝 1d15d |
𝅗𝅥 1d15e |
𝅘𝅥 1d15f |
𝅘𝅥𝅮 1d160 |
𝅘𝅥𝅯 1d161 |
Beamed notes
e1f1 |
e1f3 |
e1f5 |
e1f6 |
e1f8 |
e1fa |
e1fb |
e1fc |
e1fd |
Groups of notes (examples)
| | | | | | | |
Other special chracters
The TinyMCE text edtior
offers a number of special characters supported by most standard fonts such as Arial, Times
New Roman and Helvetica. Click the special characters icon and select the desired
symbol to insert it in your text.
[We hope to be able to customize the TinyMCE editor at some point to include musical symbols in the menu]
To enable the use of runes in text blocks (which is useful with some composers such as Niels W. Gade), MerMEId comes with the runic font 'Hnias'.
To write runes in texts, copy the desired characters from the list below an paste them into your text. Then select them and choose the 'Hnias' runic font from the text editor's 'Font Family' drop-down list to make MerMEId display it correctly in the HTML preview.
ᚠ 16a0 |
ᚡ 16a1 |
ᚢ 16a2 |
ᚣ 16a3 |
ᚤ 16a4 |
ᚥ 16a5 |
ᚦ 16a6 |
ᚧ 16a7 |
ᚨ 16a8 |
ᚩ 16a9 |
ᚪ 16aa |
ᚫ 16ab |
ᚬ 16ac |
ᚭ 16ad |
ᚮ 16ae |
ᚯ 16af |
ᚰ 16b0 |
ᚱ 16b1 |
ᚲ 16b2 |
ᚳ 16b3 |
ᚴ 16b4 |
ᚵ 16b5 |
ᚶ 16b6 |
ᚷ 16b7 |
ᚸ 16b8 |
ᚹ 16b9 |
ᚺ 16ba |
ᚻ 16bb |
ᚼ 16bc |
ᚽ 16bd |
ᚾ 16be |
ᚿ 16bf |
ᛀ 16c0 |
ᛁ 16c1 |
ᛂ 16c2 |
ᛃ 16c3 |
ᛄ 16c4 |
ᛅ 16c5 |
ᛆ 16c6 |
ᛇ 16c7 |
ᛈ 16c8 |
ᛉ 16c9 |
ᛊ 16ca |
ᛋ 16cb |
ᛌ 16cc |
ᛍ 16cd |
ᛎ 16ce |
ᛏ 16cf |
ᛐ 16d0 |
ᛑ 16d1 |
ᛒ 16d2 |
ᛓ 16d3 |
ᛔ 16d4 |
ᛕ 16d5 |
ᛖ 16d6 |
ᛗ 16d7 |
ᛘ 16d8 |
ᛙ 16d9 |
ᛚ 16da |
ᛛ 16db |
ᛜ 16dc |
ᛝ 16dd |
ᛞ 16de |
ᛟ 16df |
ᛠ 16e0 |
ᛡ 16e1 |
ᛢ 16e2 |
ᛣ 16e3 |
ᛤ 16e4 |
ᛥ 16e5 |
ᛦ 16e6 |
ᛧ 16e7 |
ᛨ 16e8 |
ᛩ 16e9 |
ᛪ 16ea |
᛫ 16eb |
᛬ 16ec |
᛭ 16ed |
ᛮ 16ee |
ᛯ 16ef |